Welcome to NetΣyn!
Our everyday life runs on networks. From the way we communicate to the way we learn, work, vote, and pay, all depend on a network.
NetΣyn lab's research aims at making all those networks secure, reliable, and performant.
To do so, we go beyond traditional discipline barriers and apply various techniques and technologies including measurements, machine learning, data processing, and hardware.
Interested in working with us?
Prospective PhD students: please apply here and mention my name in your application.
Prospective research interns: please email me and include your CV and one publication or project you have worked on.
Students already in Princeton: please email me, I am happy to meet and/or brainstorm about research projects or thesis.
Curious about what NetΣyn means?
Net is obviously for networks. Σyn (συν-) is a prefix occurring in loanwords from Greek, having the same function as co- (synthesis; synoptic); used, with the meaning “with,” “together,” in the formation of compound words (synsepalous) or “synthetic” in such compounds (syngas).
Our paper entitled "Zoom2Net: Constrained Network Telemetry Imputation" was accepted at SIGCOMM 2024.
Our papers entitled "Tango: Secure Collaborative Route Control across the Public Internet" and "Reverie: Low Pass Filter-Based Switch Buffer Sharing for Datacenters with RDMA and TCP Traffic" were accepted at NSDI 2024.
Our paper entitled "Towards Integrating Formal Methods into ML-Based Systems for Networking" was accepted at HotNets 2023.
Maria participated in the annual Women in STEM panel of the Council of Science and Technology at Princeton University. The panel aimed to provide a low-barrier environment for undergraduate students, especially freshmen, to meet and network with faculty and their peers to build supportive communities.
Our proposal on "Fine-grained Network Monitoring via Software Imputation" with Prof. Gupta as co-PI was awarded an NSF grant in the Internet Measurement Research (IMR) program! Thanks NSF!
Our paper entitled "TrustSketch: Trustworthy Sketch-based Telemetry on Cloud Hosts" was accepted at NDSS 2024.
Our proposal on "Fine-Grained Network Telemetry via Multivariate Time Series Imputation" was the recipient of a 2023 Google Research Scholar Award in Networking! Thanks Google!
Artemis Veizi won the G. David Forney, Jr. Prize, awarded for outstanding accomplishments in communication science, systems and signals.
Jonathan Pollock won the Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research.
Class 2023 ECE Awards
Maria is co-chairing the SIGCOMM 2023 demo session. We look forward to your submissions!
Our paper entitled "CANE: A Cascade-Control Approach for Network-Assisted Video QoE Management" was accepted at IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Our work on "Filling The Gaps In Network Monitoring" will be supported by the 2023 Innovation Fund! Thanks Princeton!
"Sieve: Layered Network Defenses against Large-Scale Attacks" accepted as lightning talk in the 2023 P4 Workshop! Congrats Sophia and Sata!